Bath and Somer Valley Enterprise Zone provides 50 hectares of space for industrial and commercial clients in the region.
The Enterprise Zone consists of a series of regeneration sites in central Bath and the Somer Valley. The Zone provides a mix of office and high-value manufacturing spaces across several sites in central Bath and the Somer Valley. The Zone is linked to the region’s world-leading engineering cluster, and has the potential to create 6,000 jobs across a range of sectors.
The vision is to create a campus in the West of England with enterprise, research and innovation at its heart. Bath Quays is central to the new Economic Strategy and the ambition for the new innovation corridor linking to Manvers Street and Bath Central Riverside.
Bath Quays will deliver over 200,000 sq ft of floorspace creating sustainable employment in central Bath. The scheme will develop a high-quality public realm with active ground floor retail and leisure uses overlooking the river, creating a new central destination complementing and supporting the city’s economy. Sustainable travel links via new pedestrian and cycle routes will provide essential access to the city, with regional and national links via excellent train services, supporting the City’s journey to net zero.
The Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) will create a new exemplar green business park in the Somer Valley delivering 38,500 sqm of mixed commercial floorspace on this 13ha consented site. SVEZ will help to support both the local economy and the regions green sector growth. A Local Development Order has been adopted enabling a range of activity over 12 plots which will support the delivery of this green business park. Its location on the A362 gives it direct access regionally via the A37 and connects the SVEZ to the south via the A303, and the north via the M4 and M5 motorways.